33 East Elm Street Greenwich, CT 06830 (203) 661-4844 Main Contact: Dotsie Doran
Interior Design
Services & Specialties
Classic, well-bred, unpretentious interior design
FR Review:
Applauded for their designs of "inherited ease," Katherine Cowdin had been decorating in the mode of "Greenwich chic" for years before the term was defined. Established in 1928 by her great-aunt Katherine Cowdin, Dotsie Doran has led the firm for the past 27 years. Consistent in purpose and intent, Doran delivers a "pedigreed look" that will be comfortable for children and dogs. Known for their highly traditional focus, even the contemporary homes are filled with antiques or good facsimiles thereof.
Drawn to interior design from the start, Doran graduated from Bennett College majoring in interiors and worked for a New York interior designer, Paul Krauss, for five years before joining her mom and aunt at the firm. The practice now has six senior designers each with their own client base and six in support staff, making it one of the largest firms in the regional area. Impressively, Doran's clients say she will hop over "in a jiffy for a towel consultation," confirming her excellent client service and strong relationship management skills. Randi Filoon, a senior designer with the firm for over fifteen years, also wins accolades from clients for a more tailored and updated approach with the same old-world service.
The firm will start with a Standard retainer and just one room. On product, the company charges a Classic markup and on nonproduct hours, a Standard rate. Many clients continue on with the firm, for the life of their house, continually updating one sofa at a time.
Representative Client Comments:
"Unquestionably the timeless standard. I never want my house to be in fashion and never want it to be out of fashion--and it never will be." "Dotsie is fabulous about using all the pieces we have collected over the years, recovering them and creating a coherent look." "These are the decorators to choose to guarantee that you will not embarrass yourself with the country club board." "With children herself that have been through the ‘Greenwich system,' Dotsie just gets it." "Riskless design." "I have used Dotsie for over 25 years, and she is the only decorator I would ever trust to understand my lifestyle."