Search for a Provider

Choose a search method.

Search by service category (and sort your results) or name

Search for a Service Provider by Category:

To search for a service provider by category and sort the results by one of the "Franklin Report Scoring Criteria", follow the steps below.

1. First, choose the way you want your results sorted (alphabetical is the default) by clicking on a button below:

2.Then, select the service category for your search:


Search for a Service Provider by Name:

Enter a Company Name or Main Contact Name below to perform a search by name. You don't have to enter the whole name. If you want to find "Frank's Plumbing and Spacecraft Sales" all you have to enter is "Frank". But if there are several instances of "Frank" in our files, you'll find them all.

3. Finally, click on the SEARCH button.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 212.639.9100 or
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