Below are the results of your search for Santa Barbara
Explanation of Rating Symbols
Recommend? 5 = My First and Only Choice; 4 = On My Short List; 3 = Satisfied, Might Hire Again;
2 = Have Reservations; 1 = Not Pleased, Would Not Hire Again; 0 = Never Talk to Again
Quality 5 = Highest Imaginable; 4 = Excellent; 3 = Strong; 2 = Adequate; 1 = Substandard; 0 = Awful
Cost 5 = Over the Top; 4 = Expensive; 3 = Reasonable; 2 = Inexpensive; 1 = Amazing Bargain; 0 = Absolute Steal
Value 5 = Extraordinary Value; 4 = Good Value; 3 = Decent Value;
2 = Poor Value; 1 = Rip Off; 0 = Unconscionable
Empty Folder Provider has not yet been rated on this factor
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